Art work Friday...

How neat this looks as the rays of sun burn through the clouds. This shot was returning from the beach near Sanibel one cloudy morning.  I was hanging out of the car window when I took this shot. This time I was the passenger!  LOL....


  1. I love the angle of the road in contrast with the angle of the sun... how cool!
    Dee Dee

  2. I've hung out a car window for a blog picture, also!
    Aren't we a funny type?

  3. What a great shot...Sanibel is such a pretty spot anyway!

    Thanks for the kind words for my mom. She is a bit disappointed at how slow the progress is, but we keep reminding her that we almost lost her on Tuesday. Today she was sitting up eating the soup she requested from Olive Garden...that is progress! Thanks so much.


  4. I love a good taken-from-the-car-window shot! Cool angle!


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