Sunday morning at the beach

This morning Linda, my neighbor, and I took the dogs for a quick trip to the beach. We were not there for sunrise as it is a partly cloudy morning and rain is expected this afternoon. Harley and Colby seemed to have a good time. They were not too adventuresome about going in the water which was probably a good thing. Wet dog equals stinky dog!

So Harley what do you think? This stuff between my toes feels sorta good.

Colby I'm not sure about going in the water. It looks too cold for me especially since I got a haircut yesterday.

So we will call it a morning before the beach patrol finds us and gives us a ticket because we really not allowed on the beach. So see everyone later.


  1. Really CUTE dogs and great photography! Linda

  2. What a great way to start the day, a morning stroll on the beach (and no


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