Ahhhh Spa Day...continued

What a fun time I have with my best friend Jeann.  We had worked together for the same corporate travel agency many years ago and have been best friends since.  Our wedding anniversaries are only days apart although not the same year.  I remember watching her youngest child, as a baby.  That "baby" is now a sophomore in college.  Where has the time gone.  Here is my friend Jeann....

The spa we went to today was previously known as "Doe Mountain Ski Area".  More than 20 years ago my husband Bud, myself and my daughter Jennifer went there to learn to ski.  We never made it off the bunny slope but we had fun.  We did progress through the years and have gone to many other resorts.  Back to the spa...so today and many, many changes it is known as Bear Creek Mountain Resort.  It is a conference center, hotel, spa and has several restaurants.  I was speechless because today was the first time in a very long time that I had been there.

This is part of the ski slopes.  As you can imagine this past winter is was probably a very busy place.

This was one of several fireplaces throughout the resort.  It seems to weird to call it a resort...oh well...
Here I am....I can't wait....

I promised Jeann I would wait to take a picture until we had our robes on.  Jeann was excited about her massage and I was looking forward to a facial.

The End.
What a great day, rested, relaxed and ready to do it again...soon I hope.  The best part was my dear friend surprised me and paid for my facial.  She is the best !!  Thanks Jeann for a great day and I cannot wait to try the Stone House Spa in Macungie....


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