Texas sunset...

Greetings to my fellow bloggers.  Sorry that I have not had anything to say later, such a stretch...lol.  I have been traveling and am currently back in PA and with the holiday and dreaded tax time I have not had time to post anything.  So today's post is thanks to my dear friend and great neighbor Linda.  This is her contibution to my blog.  Linda is currently in Texas helping her mom get back on her feet after hip surgery.  Her mom fell at excercise class.  Not quite sure how it happened but it did.  So as she had a few minutes to breath and think she captured this from her iphone.  Hope you enjoy and check back soon for updates.  Also, thanks to Linda for her contribution.  


  1. Wow! Tell Linda that I have never seen a sky with so many beautiful shades of blue!

    Blessings, Gwyn


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