Where's Waldo.....

Danger...keep out....this area is a hard hat area.....

Well not really about finding Waldo; it's just a funny picture of my husband.  I would call myself a very organized person.  I remember where I put items even when not in there proper place. I'm not an OCD personality, well maybe sometimes.  Any way today's post is my husband, Bud.  As you can tell he is not, in any way, shape or form an organized person.  This is our 2 car garage at our home.  He is working on the generator for our boat, another day's post.  He has tool cabinets for everything, he had boards to hang up tools; but looking at this picture do you think he uses it?  He gets a tool out, uses it and then sets it down on the floor even if he is done with it.  It drives me crazy.  I hope you had a chuckle at this and enjoy your day! 


  1. Oh my goodness, I must take after my Uncle!
    Dee Dee


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