Summer is around the corner...

Based on the weather and high temperatures we have been having on the east coast you would think that summer was here.  However looking at the calendar we still have about 9 days until the official start of summer. But you can tell when summer is close because my lavender plant is in full bloom.  I love the smell; so relaxing...

But you have to watch out because the bees are a buzzin' at the lavender plant....

Happy summer to all in blogland!!!!


  1. Ohhhh, what a lovely plant!
    I'm sure it smells like a piece of heaven!
    Dee Dee

  2. So pretty. I am giving lavender one last chance. This year I've planted it in a basket that hangs on my deck railing to see if it likes it there. I have not had good luck with it anywhere else in the yard. Mine is not as dark purple as yours. I wish it was. Do you dry yours? Theta

  3. I love lavender. So jealous! My sister dries hers and puts it in a jar with some sugar, then uses it in tea and on cakes and things. She sent me some once--it was delicious! It makes an easy and impressive gift!

  4. I'm glad it's summer like weather somewhere! Nothing but rain around here. You'd think it was Fall.

    I have a lavender plant and love watching the bees, also!

  5. Coming soon.
    June 21, 2010 at 7:28 am
    I am ready . . .

  6. Mmmm I can almost smell it! Lovely picture. Bringing back memories of when we spent summer in less-hot climates ;>)


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