Getting ready for the high school prom...

...well not really. just add 45 years.....

 My sister-in-law Gwyn and her husband Jay.  Just adding the final touches before heading out. 

We had the joy of family visiting this past weekend.  My husband's sister and her husband were in town for her 45th High School Reunion.  They had a fun filled weekend visiting with friends and family of friends.  My brother-in-law even took time to attend a "Going Green" show in Kempton, PA. 

So here they are before heading out for a fun night.....

Thanks for visiting and we are glad you had a great time!  


  1. What a handsome couple, if I say so myself!
    Of course they are my folks!
    Next time I will have to hide in the trunk so I can visit too. Think I'd fit?
    Dee Dee

  2. Wow! There is a family resemblance (DeeDee).
    I knew you are an Aunt. Now I know how you and DeeDee are connected.


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