Holiday giving....

Over the past several years, probably 5 plus, our family stopped doing the dreaded Christmas shopping.  You see typically if we need something we go purchase it.  Our typical Christmas morning is waking up having breakfast and exchanging Christmas cards.  This year my daughter and I decided we would "adopt" a family through the Volunteers of America Organization.  We did not want to get into the present buying especially this close to the holiday and not knowing this family also played a big role in it.

You see our "adopted" family is a single mom with 2 young boys, ages 3 and 7 and unfortunately she was just let go from her factory job because she could not get child care for her boys in order to work on Saturday's.  So we opted for buying groceries and also throwing in a grocery store gift card so she could buy the perishable items for her family. 

Knowing the families circumstances we decided to get a few items for the boys and a few items to help mom relax during this difficult time.

Although this family is going through a difficult time I'm sure this will lift their spirits. 


  1. What a fantastic thing to do for a family in need. This brings tears to my eyes!!

  2. For several weeks now, I have seen blog posts on Christmas trees, mantals, and lots of tables. Your blog post is the first one I have seen about giving to the needy.
    I applaud you and your daughter (and the rest of your family) for going out of the box.

  3. Fantastic idea! Each year Wayne and I get gifts for Kids off his work Angel Tree, it is such a blessing. I love that you have gotten the oppertunity to not only give but get to know! Love it!
    Dee Dee

  4. This was such a generous thing to do. I know your "family" will be surprised and thankful. Jim and I stopped exchanging gifts many years ago for the same reasons as you did. I think it makes Christmas much more relaxed and enjoyable.

  5. I had to link back to you on my blog today. I'm seriously blown away by what you've done here!

  6. Awesome! You will be blessed.
    Merry Christmas!

  7. That's a great thing to do, especially once your family is all grown-up!


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