Saturday morning treat

After another long week of work, what was I thinking....yes cash....I decided to give myself a sugar treat.  Just look at those cookies.  My neighbor and I took a run to a specialty store called "The Sandy Butler".  It the type of store where you leave your credit cards, debit cards and cash at home.  The have a variety of specialty items from cheese to jam to wine and even ready made meals.  WOW.  So I afforded myself this container of cookies.  Yummy!

So I had one or two no maybe three....lost count with a cup of coffee and now I will close the lid before I eat any more.  Have a great weekend....


  1. Great way to celebrate the start of Spring. Even the cookie colors are telling you it's Spring.
    Eat one for me!

  2. Yum! What a great way to kick off the weekend!

  3. Oh... did you say any for me?
    How yummy!
    Dee Dee

  4. OMG Jude (I just read in the paper that OMG is now in the OED, so I guess it's OK for an old lady to use now). I've seen the ads for the Sandy Butler -- now we have GOT to go. Now that the season is wrapping up here at the trailer park ;>) we will have more time to get out of the neighborhood.

    MOre later.

  5. I have missed your posts - is that new job keeping you too busy? We are in Venice for a few weeks and today it snowed in WNY so it is good to be "here not there".


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