Busy summer..

How about you?  I hope everyone is having a great summer.  It's been busy here in PA.   You see while in Florida I made a list of what I wanted to get done the few months I would be here but as many of you know that list always changes and mine was not exception.

The list was to paint the family room and get new carpet and then paint and get the carpet cleaned in my daughter's bedroom.  The family room is paneled so I knew it would be at least a 2 week project.  So as I settled back in and started looking around the main level of the house.  My friend Beverly, you have met her before during the dining room ceiling change, she kept telling me "take the wallpaper off the bottom half of the dining room walls, it will look so much more elegant."  The top half (above the chair rail) is painted.  So I thought okay.........one day later the wallpaper was off and I was calling her asking okay now what.

The now what was to then scrub the backing and glue off, not too bad but use hot water, as hot as you can stand it and add some dish washing soap because it will go a lot easier; which it did.  Okay now what....there were areas that needed some repair which is where Beverly came in.  Now she asks me the million dollar question...."what color?"  My reply ...."what color do you want to paint it?"  You see I trust her so I let her pick out the colors since that is her line of work.  She choose a nice Benjamin Moore color called Butte Rock.  A nice clay color and it looks great.  Then I got new curtains and she and I hung the new hardware and yesterday I had new area carpets delivered. 

So of course that spills into the living room, well at least it was only painting one wall since the old drapes were removed and new hardware had to be put up and new area carpets.  Then I looked at the foyer and upstairs hallway.....fresh coat of paint.  Then the inside of the front door needed paint.  Now it will be the exterior of the front door that is next. 

This work is like a big snow ball....it just keeps growing and growing and growing.  I do have the paint for my daughter's room but the family room is just going to wait until next year. 

All work and very little play does not make for a happy person....but in the end I am happy with what I have gotten done.  Now if I just had the energy as my niece and nephew at D Dzine had...well the possibilities are endless.......but I'm just too old .....

Have a great day and a wonderful 4th of July.....


  1. What a great friend to have!
    I've been watching the progress of DeeDee's "new" home. If I had just a small amount of her energy, I'd be thrilled.

    But doesn't it feel great to sit back and see the transformation? Way to go. Time to go on your boat and take a cruise.

  2. Happy Holiday! Take a break! We don't even own a house (any more) and yet we are busy with projects here in Oregon. I thought we wouldn't have to visit Home Depot ever again after we sold the Oregon house, but that doesn't seem to quite work out. Always room for improvement.

  3. Hey,
    sounds like you are just as busy as I am! Where are the photos of all these fun changes? they sound wonderful, wayne and I will have to plan a drop by to see after all our work is done! Love you and happy 4th!
    Dee Dee

  4. for some reason, blogger won't allow me to leave a message using my account sign in... so i'm using the anonymous button!

  5. Things are very busy here too. Hope you had a great 4th of July!!


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