On the road again...

Well I was on the road earlier this week.  I'm back and settled in Pennsylvania but only for a few short months then back to Florida.  You see that job I had in the Sunshine State....they are going to hold the position for me and welcome me back with open arms right after Labor Day.  Woohoo....Life is good. 

As for the duck; well when I left she was still sitting on an empty nest.  So how long will she stay there until she realizes there are no ducklings?  Does anyone know? 

I'm looking forward to getting back to my blog along with jewelry and candle making.  So stay tuned.....Have a great weekend! 


  1. Thanks for stopping by on your way home! We enjoyed seeing you. :-)


  2. Your road is shorter than ours is !! Glad to know you made it safely home and look forward to reading about your stay in PA. See ya next season. (Which will start later for us.)

  3. Welcome back to the northeast. I don't remember hearing about your candle making. Maybe you'll blog about it soon??


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