A few pictures from our trip to NYC

I only took a few pictures of our day trip to NYC; that was when we saw Cirque du Soleil.  I used my Nikon Coolpix P60.  I have not done any editing so there are straight out of the camera (SOOC).


  1. You went and saw Cirque du Soleil? How special!!
    Your pictures are pretty special also.
    Looks like you went everywhere in New York.

  2. Looks like a fun day. It has been a few years since we've traveled to NYC. Your pictures make me want to plan a trip :)

  3. How very fun!

    Would love to join you sometime.....
    Dee dee

  4. Hi Judy,
    I see we are going to be classmates in "Find Your Eye". I've just taken a very quick look at your blog here. Great photos. I really love Florida even though I live two miles from the beach in So. California. we spent our honeymoon on Captiva Island in 2004. I just love the beautiful beaches with so many shells and the crystal clear water that is actually warm! Our water is freezing.
    See you in class!


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