Good bye....

to Irene...  What a storm she was!  Our boat made it without a scratch along with many others here on the Chesapeake Bay.  Now onto the next phase which is to see if the family interested in buying her is still interested.  We should know more early next week.  They have a sea trial; similar to a home inspection but in this case they take the boat out in the water and test all the equipment, etc on her and then just like a home inspection write up a report.  Keep your fingers crossed!!  We have enjoyed owning a boat but it's time for other things. 

Also good bye to my friends in Pennsylvania as I head back to Florida.  I know it is very early but it's back to work next week at the job I have down there.  They were gracious enough to hold it for me.  I suppose I was a very good employee!!  

I'm looking forward to returning to my friend in Florida and getting back to work.  So watch for great photos from Florida!!  Everyone have a great week and enjoy those picnics you will be attending this holiday weekend. 


  1. Bon Voyage! Best of luck on the boat sale as well as on your next adventure in life.

    Also best of luck for no more hurricanes at either one of your family homes -- and keep an eye on Ft Myers for us for a few more months.


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