Amazing sky...

I just love sunsets and sunrises.  I took this picture earlier this week.  The colors are awesome.  Enjoy your week.


  1. There is special about looking at a sunset. End of the day? God's creation? Beauty? Powerful? Mixuture of colors?
    All of the above!

  2. Hi Judy! Florida skies are really special and your photo captures that. This season sure got away from us -- and here we are back in Oregon. I hope ext year I will be a better Florida friend.

    1. Hi Sallie, time sure does go by way too fast. I always look at your posts. The pictures are great. Enjoy the weather as it is sure hot here. At 6:08p tonight the temperature was 91 degrees but felt like 100. Yikes. Have a great 4th of July. Judy


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